Saturday, March 26, 2011

How Long Should I Soak A Chia Pet?

Living Together: Citizens against Racism and Xenophobia. Discourses on immigration and ethnic minorities in adult lower-middle class

The economic crisis was also present in the GD3, consisting of adult lower-middle class. His speeches were characterized by arguments clearly marked by competition and the experience of cohabitation (difficulty of living). Almost all of them were neighbors, or co-ancestry immigrants or foreigners. Both primary ingredients and their speeches can be seen in Table 3, which provides a snapshot of what was said during the sessions of discussion groups.
(Click on images to enlarge)
The discussion held in the GD3 was characterized by, first, be very sharp and marked by feelings of discrimination (competition) and the experience of living with the immigrants in neighborhoods and work settings. Emphasized the authority conferred on them for having lived with immigrants: "You have to live with the immigrants directly to speak with authority." Second, imposing cultural adaptation and identifying barriers to coexistence in terms of behavior of different ethnic groups. Third, by their desire for a stricter observance of the social order by the government.

Rather than positive aspects of migration (increased labor, cultural exchange), emphasized the negative aspects: unemployment, crime, reduction of wages, public assistance, the law protects them ... In the GD3 held in Spain , the negative arguments prevailed to the point where someone said, "But here there is absolutely no one who will defend people who are not English?". His speech was critical of immigration, while understandable and even sympathetic at times. As in GD1, it was stressed that immigrants know their rights that their obligations and, as in GD2, some of them include the image of immigrants taking advantage of state aid and subtracting job opportunities: "Do not know their obligations, but they know their rights," "have preference over us." And self-confessed racism: "Now I say:" You become racist, "referring to the discrimination felt when compared with immigrants or the experience of cohabitation:" Most of us are racist when we live with them. "

In Spain and Portugal, to justify their complaints about certain minorities, participants attempt to legitimize the basis of the perceived hostility or closure of immigrants or ethnic minorities (both Spain and Portugal):

"They [the blacks] are very racist. They are very racist among themselves and with respect to us. We are more racist than we are with them "" They [the Ukrainians] are cold. They have feelings, even expression ";" suspicious. Well, yes they are [the Chinese] suspicious of truth "(GD3: Portugal)

But while these were the GD in which memory is more reminiscent of past and present strategy approach to immigration. Especially in Spain.


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